Tuesday 24 September 2019

It didn't happen...

Unfortunately my partner suffered a knee ligament injury at the start of our journey to meet the Ruby Princess in Vancouver & sail south.

Despite the original hospital taking x-rays & confirming no breaks, three days of hobbling on crutches led to our travel insurer to advise we should not board the boat & re-present to hospital to scan for any blood clots.
Nothing there, but Dr #2 advised safe to fly home ASAP.

After night in Vancouver another 12hr flight (arriving 4:30am) we're now waiting for a final flight home (2:30pm).

To make it worse, one of our bags were mistakenly uplifted with the owners identical brand/colour left on the conveyor belt. By the time they'd answered their phone, they were already 1 & 1/2hrs away.
Luckily, once alerted they got the bag to their local airport to be sent back for where they'd uplifted. It's in our favour because our airline won't forward their bag, until we receive & confirm ours.

Overall a week of disaster after another, & bad diet due to limited mobility.

Hopefully insurance will cover most of what cruise fares we lost & additional unexpected costs.
We'll try again once all better...

In the meanwhile, here's our first experience of Vancouver transport. Big up to all the medicos we encountered there.

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Thanks for your comments. I know I'm crap, but at least I'm trying.