Thursday 1 May 2014

One Month Anniversary

Today is the one month anniversary of my last day at my last job. It's also 3 weeks since I got a sinus infection that's made me feel like doing very little until today.
So I guess it's about time to start exploring the options.

Anyone asking me "What's the plan?" or "What do you want to do?" have generally had a response of "Nothing" & "Dunno".
Has anything changed? Umm... NO
Do I want to get back into the drudgery of what I know, or try something new? No idea.

One of the benefits of my last job was not sitting at my desk for the entire day. Almost any day could have entertained getting work-related fresh air.
The downside was S-O-S* every day.

I might head "home" for a few days, but reduced budget means travelling the most economic way = Ferry + Bus unless anyone's got a cheaper way to travel NZ's shortest flight route.
Time to do the thinking & make some decisions.

    * Same-Old-Shite

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Thanks for your comments. I know I'm crap, but at least I'm trying.