Saturday 2 October 2021

Geez, how'd that happen? UPDATE

 Following on from the previous post, here's an update on what's happened since.

May 2021:

Both chemotherapy & radiation therapy conveniently ended in the last week of May. The wait for next steps began.

June 2021:

The fatigue was too much at time. Very short work days as the effect of both treatment slowly eked their way out of my body.

July 2021:

Surgery confirmed for August. Quick trip home to visit mum & sister at end of July.

August 2021:

The joy of bowel prep (not as bad as for the colonoscopy) in readiness for being put to sleep on a table for a while.

Woke up mild delirious, unknown if I proposed to doctors or nurses, but aware my anesthetist owes me a very large Bacardi & Coke. That collect ain't gonna happen for some time.

Also woke up to catheter & ileostomy bag. Mild shock to the system. Expected the first as part the operation, & warned about the second. Took a couple of days to find my feet, & the joy of having a pee was a welcome relief.

Discharged a week later. Nurse wanted me in for another nigh, but overruled by doctors who thought home was best.

To cap it off New Zealand gets first cases of COVID-19 Delta strain and whole country goes into various stages of lockdown.

Off work for the rest of August with series of home visits to slowly learn the process of changing the bag. Highly frustrating time.

September 2021:

Back to work (from home) on hours I can. A very generous & understanding employer. 

Home nurse visits & education continued. Also big learnings in regard to what food to eat, what to limit, and steps to take when things take a wild turn; bags of fun. Managed to do first solo bag change towards the end of the month and have continued since then.

COVID-19 Delta strain lockdown levels adjusted depending on serious of community transmission in region of country.

Appoint with the chemotherapy oncologist also recommendation a new longer course of chemo; same drugs as before, but with added 3-weekly infusion at hospital, that plus added anti-nausea medication. 4 rounds of this will take me up to Christmas, so no firm plans made for this festivus.

October 2021:

First social outing in over two month. Slow walk to local pub, only one wine consumed, but a meat pack won. That some foods for the week or two sorted.

First actual sit-down not-at-home dining out. Pancakes & bacon; also a learning experience.

New round of chemo starts Tuesday the 5th. 2 weeks of treatment & one week off. 2 weeks of being less than social & hopefully much of the rest week to build up to being a bit more normal. Then repeat another three times. Due to the potential immunity reducing side-effects of treatment I'll be working from home for another 3 months.

Hopefully 2022 will have my insides back from the outside into my insides & life will be a bit more normal.

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Thanks for your comments. I know I'm crap, but at least I'm trying.