Thursday 17 April 2014

Two weeks of rain leads to pain in brain

So what I thought would be a good start to my career break has turned into a bit of a bust.

Two weeks of pretty much solid rain has caused me to loll inside playing mindless Facebook games, perusing Reddit, and watching movies I never want to see again on Sky TV. Productivity has been about 10%, but it has meant my brain is slowly getting reset back to a position I need to look for new or revisit old options.

That shit weather, combined with a autumnal cold & cough ,hasn't made we want to venture off the property for anything other than food that's not in the fridge or on the shelves. (Damn, I have to do that today.)

I had planned to grab a ferry or plane to visit nearby relatives, but weather conditions would probably mean I'd be wasting $s and likely just end up doing the same thing when I got there.

Tonight is the start of a long weekend. Hopefully the weather will fine up and next week will bring about some random spontaneity that will put something less than boredom & crap TV movies into my day.

Maybe I just need a proverbial, or literal, kick up the arse to get the reboot I need?
Any suggestions appreciated.

I'm relatively confident that all my readers are me. At least it's a vent for my inner feelings.
Hopefully next time I'll have something other than ennui to report

Friday 4 April 2014

Final Day Speech

Unaccustomed as I am to public speaking... blah, blah, blah.

So on my final day at my last job I wanted to give a speech to sum up my feeling of nearly seven year there, but I couldn't. I'd scribbled down some notes a couple of months ago and the went something like this:

First, in no particular order, the Good & Bad things about working there:
(Names have been altered to protect the innocent)
Good Bad

Yeah, nah, there's nothing like that that I'm quite willing to share yet. Maybe another day

Secondly let's try Learnings vs Realisations :
(same rules apply)
Learning Realisation
Rubbish Bins Rosters DO NOT WORK
Dishwasher How hard is it to was a frigging fork
Paper Towels & Toilet Rolls Your mother MUST work here
Foosball (Table soccer) Yeah... nah
Basketball/Ice Hockey/Grid Iron All sports play be Americans & the occasional Kiwi
How to put things in boxes & make them go away It IS that easy, really. That fecking easy.
Office Politics No matter what the size of the company, this is all the same
Customers They're always right, except when they're wrong they're still right
People Are strange, but that place wouldn't work without them that way
The Bus Is a great way to see people change & grow over the years. Try it some time
The Force Is STRONG here
This List Must end here

TL;DR: In the words of The Doctor, from the movie Star Wars 7: The Quest for the Holy Grail: "It's been a blast; may the force be with you, and part on dudes."