Thursday 30 August 2018

Nearly a year since last post...

and nothing much has changed apart from every workmate in my team over the last nearly 4 years.

This will be a ramble of mixed words, experiences & whatevers over that time.

4 years. After choosing to change from the easy stuff that would come to an end to got to the hard stuff which just about killed my brain I've actually survived 4 years. FFS.

I've been pretty much stagnant since the last blog because I've put too much effort into doing work to my own perfectionist standards & not enough into the rest of life. I literally cannot think of what I've achieved in both work & home place over that time.

The short sharp learning lesson is that you can't please all of the people of the time & when you do apparently your efforts are not always appreciated. Aim to be average unless you can constantly be outstanding.

Your are your ruler of your destiny & life is what you make of it.
Surround yourself with situations & people you want to bring goodness to you life, BUT do not be afraid to ask for help.

Enough waffle. Eff knows how long I'll leave this up after I post it.