Sunday 16 December 2018

It's Christmas and it's happening again...

Another Christmas and again we're off on another cruise around the south-west pacific.

This time next week my partner & I will be very near boarding on 2 weeks out of Sydney, first stop New Caledonia, port hopping around Fiji, & back to Sydney.

The good thing about cruising at holiday time is that the boat ain't full of OAPs waiting to pop their corks or looking for a senior fling.

The bad thing is that there's plenty of families & their offspring.
Gone are the days when you could actually bring the bad behaviour to the attention of the parents, & a clip around the ears would resolve the issue. Now days imps can literally get away with murder because touching them will be a breach of universal law. Actions don't matter & consequences of bad actions ain't a thing to these entitled little toads.

Anyways, hopefully it'll be a fair & fun time full of new experiences, and a break to relax from an interesting work year.

Happy holidays to all. If you're not holidaying then make the most of whatever you're planning to do.

Thursday 30 August 2018

Nearly a year since last post...

and nothing much has changed apart from every workmate in my team over the last nearly 4 years.

This will be a ramble of mixed words, experiences & whatevers over that time.

4 years. After choosing to change from the easy stuff that would come to an end to got to the hard stuff which just about killed my brain I've actually survived 4 years. FFS.

I've been pretty much stagnant since the last blog because I've put too much effort into doing work to my own perfectionist standards & not enough into the rest of life. I literally cannot think of what I've achieved in both work & home place over that time.

The short sharp learning lesson is that you can't please all of the people of the time & when you do apparently your efforts are not always appreciated. Aim to be average unless you can constantly be outstanding.

Your are your ruler of your destiny & life is what you make of it.
Surround yourself with situations & people you want to bring goodness to you life, BUT do not be afraid to ask for help.

Enough waffle. Eff knows how long I'll leave this up after I post it.