Saturday 29 July 2017

Long time, No post

As the title says, it's been a long time between figurative drinks.

It's been a hectic time the last year.

  • Changes at work.
  • Death of a parent.
  • Support from an unexpected place.
  • Sorting with all the bits of cleaning up an empty house.
  • And an upcoming cruise to bypass part of the New Zealand spring.

Nothing special to say, other that point two makes you think who's going to be affected when you pass.

Fortunately my father seemed to know his time was near. He'd sorted his finances & his will was simple - 2 children get half each.
He was also a meticulous and organised hoarder. There was a manual for every power tool & everything was in it's place. That was a great benefit when we had a garage sale; you bought a power drill you got the tool, the case & the instructions.
On the opposite side, there was several trailerloads that brutally went straight to tip or recycling.

He was a quiet unassuming man who did a lot for the local community.
Sorting through his emails there was so much he did, via the resources of the local Menz Shed, that I'd ever known.

I couldn't speak at his service, because I didn't have the words. Best left to his brother & a nephew.
This is the first time I've written about him since his passing.

Thanks to all those who've supported my sister & I through the process. Even to the executor & real estate agent who did the jobs, but never made it feel like a sad process.
There were a few hindrances & unexpected roadblocks, but those events are best left.

Another year of challenges ahead.